Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Dreams. Passion. Talents. God. Risk. Journey. Fulfillment.

If there is a theme to the things I've been reading lately, been feeling inspired by, and living beside, it is: chasing your dreams, taking risks and working hard, realizing that God is under, above, behind, and woven throughout it all.

"You are good at something for a reason. God designed you this way; this is on purpose. It isn't fake or a fluke or small. This is the mind and heart and hands and voice you've been given: USE IT." --Jen Hatmaker

I am so incredibly blessed to be married to a man who believes in me and thinks that I am capable and talented. These things are often difficult for me to believe. But to walk alongside someone who encourages and reaffirms you is a gift precious and powerful beyond description. For me, it's a salve to the most tender, hidden wounds. It draws out joy from deep places and gathers all the excitement bubbling in my veins and helps me to believe that I can have dreams, and that they are beautiful, God-given, and possible.

But what makes this theme of dream-chasing in my life even more soul-swelling and joyful is that Heath is currently chasing his own dream. He has recognized his God-given talent and where it intersects with his passion. He has taken a risk to leave his job and become simultaneous unemployed and self-employed, and to sprint after his dream to be a full-time photographer.

If you want to feel inspired, scared and excited, and bursting with pride for the one you love, walk with them as they pursue what makes them come alive and feel fulfilled.

The possibilities are exciting. The risks are a bit frightening. But more powerful than the feelings of excitement and uncertainty is the happiness and peace that comes from watching the one I love more than anything trust God, trust himself, and trust the process.

We have taken this leap of faith with full confidence that God will take care of us and lead us where we need to go and we will arrive when we need to get there.

Now, my prayers are to know how to support, encourage, inspire, uplift, cheer on, affirm, and LOVE this dream-chasing man of mine. I pray that God will show me how to help and not hinder. And no matter where this dream-chasing leads us or what it brings us, Heath and I believe in dreams, God-given gifts, and fulfilling work. And we live in the reassurance of a God who wants only good for us.

Guys, ask God how he's gifted you. or if you already know, get to chasing. It's along this path that the truest inspiration is found, where the sweetest moments of connecting to God are experienced, and where your deepest feelings of satisfaction and fulfillment will envelop you.

Embrace your gifts. Chase your dreams.

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