Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Dreams. Passion. Talents. God. Risk. Journey. Fulfillment.

If there is a theme to the things I've been reading lately, been feeling inspired by, and living beside, it is: chasing your dreams, taking risks and working hard, realizing that God is under, above, behind, and woven throughout it all.

"You are good at something for a reason. God designed you this way; this is on purpose. It isn't fake or a fluke or small. This is the mind and heart and hands and voice you've been given: USE IT." --Jen Hatmaker

I am so incredibly blessed to be married to a man who believes in me and thinks that I am capable and talented. These things are often difficult for me to believe. But to walk alongside someone who encourages and reaffirms you is a gift precious and powerful beyond description. For me, it's a salve to the most tender, hidden wounds. It draws out joy from deep places and gathers all the excitement bubbling in my veins and helps me to believe that I can have dreams, and that they are beautiful, God-given, and possible.

But what makes this theme of dream-chasing in my life even more soul-swelling and joyful is that Heath is currently chasing his own dream. He has recognized his God-given talent and where it intersects with his passion. He has taken a risk to leave his job and become simultaneous unemployed and self-employed, and to sprint after his dream to be a full-time photographer.

If you want to feel inspired, scared and excited, and bursting with pride for the one you love, walk with them as they pursue what makes them come alive and feel fulfilled.

The possibilities are exciting. The risks are a bit frightening. But more powerful than the feelings of excitement and uncertainty is the happiness and peace that comes from watching the one I love more than anything trust God, trust himself, and trust the process.

We have taken this leap of faith with full confidence that God will take care of us and lead us where we need to go and we will arrive when we need to get there.

Now, my prayers are to know how to support, encourage, inspire, uplift, cheer on, affirm, and LOVE this dream-chasing man of mine. I pray that God will show me how to help and not hinder. And no matter where this dream-chasing leads us or what it brings us, Heath and I believe in dreams, God-given gifts, and fulfilling work. And we live in the reassurance of a God who wants only good for us.

Guys, ask God how he's gifted you. or if you already know, get to chasing. It's along this path that the truest inspiration is found, where the sweetest moments of connecting to God are experienced, and where your deepest feelings of satisfaction and fulfillment will envelop you.

Embrace your gifts. Chase your dreams.

Monday, February 3, 2014


What is it about a chilly day that just begs you to get a sweet chai latte and curl up in your favorite old jeans and baggy sweater with your trusty journal? It's as though all of these things were designed to go together. Sure, you can have them each without the others, but they aren't at their full greatness that way.

So, this morning I'm sitting here with my sweet chai in my faded blue jeans and oversized sweater reflecting on what the last year of my life has brought and the excitement mixed with uncertainty that leads into the future, the year to come.

If I had to use one word to sum up 2013 it would be "blessing." Seeing all of the blessings that have rained upon me this past year has highlighted in bright yellow that God, in every way, is our great Provider. He truly gives to address our needs, and he does so with impeccable timing.

2013 was year one of marriage for Heath and I, and Heath's presence in my life was/is my greatest happiness. Heath is the man I want and need my life to be tethered to. He is sweetness. Laughter. Nonsense and no-nonsense. He is endless cuddles and hello and goodbye kisses. He is wisdom. Knowledge. Good advice. He's my best friend and my other half. Blessing.

2013 was also year one of living in a foreign country for me. While there were lots of adjustments and countless bouts of loneliness and frustration and thoughts of worthlessness and lack of purpose, there was also a transition out the other side of those dark tunnels. The sun now shines and I have found that I like it here. New Zealand is a nice place to live and there are lots of nice people that surround me--new family members, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances. I feel a million times more content today than this same day last year. Blessing.

Last year was a year of unemployment. Waiting on my work visa and lack of available jobs forced this upon me. I struggled to feel worth and purpose sitting at home day after day, week after week. But Heath took care of us (and Karen too) and God used my new family to show me I still had value, even if I had no idea how this was possible. And my life now! You wouldn't believe it, but I have three jobs. Two part-time jobs in town and my Lovely Lettering business is really growing. Heath and I are not rich by any means, but we are paying bills, saving money, and have two great overseas trips planned this year. Blessing.

Last year was one separated from all of the friends and family I had previously spent time with and relied on. Thousands of miles of separation can definitely be felt in sharp pains and aching longing at times, but technology. Skype, Facetime, Gmail/email, Facebook, even Instagram, have helped me stay connected with those people. Letters and cards and packages from far away also spreads love across the ocean and closes the distance gap momentarily. While friendship and family relationships all look different now, and it's not always easy, it has forced me to grow in the way that I love people. It forces me to choose whether I will be intentional in expressing love to someone, even if it might take a bit more effort than it did in the past. I'm not great at it yet, but God continues to re-shape my idea of what it is to love people. And I have lots of people in my life to love. Blessing.

Now as the first month of the new year has already whizzed past me, I embrace this new year with arms wide open, feeling that excitement mixed with uncertainty, yet stepping forward in confidence and the security of knowing that God has blessed and provided for me so far beyond imagination thus far, and he can't help but do so in all my future days. Blessing.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Free Downloadable Print!

Hey guys!

To help kickstart Lovely Lettering, I am posting a free download of my "In All the World" print. Just click on the link below, download, print on some lovely paper, and frame it to hang on the wall or gift to a friend!

                                                            "In All the World" Print

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Finding Your Sweet Spot

I work best in a space that's warm, sunny, and cozy. Usually I like to have a large square workspace on which to spread out all of my things. And I like to have on my mood music--meaning whatever music I'm in the mood for! (A caffeinated beverage and on-hand snacks are bonuses).

Beyond the general description I've just given, it's difficult to explain exactly which spaces will be ones that inspire me and enable me to crank out works of creativity and send me into my happy place, but I know it when I see it.  I've always been this way... always searching for the perfect spot, place, nook, space, or area: my sweet spot. When I find these areas, like I said: true bliss. But when I'm in a space where I'm not comfortable, or it's not warm enough, or sunny enough, or just doesn't have that undefinable X-factor that I'm searching for, I'm pretty useless. I lack inspiration and creativity, I'm thoroughly unsettled, distracted, and very aware of wanting to be in a "better space" that I'm more connected to.

I want to suggest that to really tap into your creativity, you shouldn't underestimate the mood, character, quality, tone, or atmosphere of the space that you're setting up your work in. Ambiance is always there, and it can be felt--especially deep down in the creative bones in your body. In the right space, you can gather inspiration from that which surrounds you. Or maybe the environment you're in simply serves to lift your mood, but that will likely increase creativity and productivity. The ambiance that defines your sweet spot should not be overlooked!

Evaluate your workspace and identify the aspects of ambiance that most affect you and how you work. Whether it's music, lighting, seating, or the colors around you-- identify how to improve it and make those changes. Get in touch with what inspires you and create a sweet spot for yourself with self-tailored ambiance!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What I Miss the Most

As one can imagine, when you move to another country you miss things from your homeland. Some things are small and insignificant while others are large and important.

In trying to process so many NEW things and cope with missing old things, it can be a little overwhelming if I don't intentionally take a step back and see how I can learn and grow from this transitional period of my life.

So, aside from the obvious missing of my family and easily accessible Starbucks, what I miss most is intimate female relationships. I miss being able to call up a friend for a coffee date and catch up on life- talking unreservedly and openly, knowing that your confidences are safe within the confines of a tried and true friendship. Everyone has or has had a best friend in their lifetime—a soul sister if you will—so we all know how sweet this relationship is.

A best friend or circle of intimate friends is one of the biggest sources of joy in a woman’s life. Why? Because women were created for intimate relationships. Isolation is where we stumble, believe lies about ourselves, and forget about our invaluable worth. That’s not what God intends for us. So instead we plant, grow, and nurture beautiful friendships in our lives that become the flowers in great gardens of healthy community.

Belonging and participating in such a community fulfills the longing we have to know and be known by others on a deep and meaningful level. We love the comfort of connecting with a friend who knows everything about us and loves us anyway. God has given us these huge tender hearts to share with others and open up for them to come in and be warmed by our love and friendship.  And in turn, we love that our friends will challenge us, encourage us, inspire us, give us the hard truth when needed, or just sit with us in companionable silence if need be.

That’s what I miss the most: that wonderful community of close girlfriends that I can walk through life with. And I dare say that these relationships are even more important in Christian community where we can pray for one another, study the Word together, and serve one another in love. Who else, besides another woman, can understand the daily battles and triumphs you experience? Who else can understand all the different roles you must step into—mother, wife, daughter, sister, chauffer, employee, boss, athlete, chef, laundress, maid, artist, hostess, or domestic goddess? We can laugh, cry, rejoice, and relate with one another.

As we try to fulfill all the different roles in our lives, it is easy to become discouraged or to feel inadequate when looking at the life of another woman who appears to have it all together. But let’s be honest—there are times when we have it together and times that we don’t, no matter who you are. And when we don’t have it together, we are comforted and uplifted to know we have a female friend who truly understands what it’s like and can speak that encouraging word, drop that sweet note, or give that much needed hug. I think women need to unite together so that we can uplift and celebrate one another instead of tearing one another down through comparison and jealousy.

This longing I have for the ability to physically be in those friendships still has highlighted the importance of community for me. God is showing me that I miss it because it’s important and because he made it to be an integral part of my life as a woman. And he is also showing me that it is important for me to reach out and take steps to find a new community and make new friendships here, even though I still cherish and maintain long distance friendships.

It’s not always easy or desirable to keep showing up or to make an effort in friendship when we don’t feel like it or if we’ve been hurt. But hopefully we will all realize the importance of those relationships and how God has created us to engage on a deep level with other women. There is something so special about being a woman. And there is something spiritual and powerful about being women together. We are empowered through these relationships.

"Today I encourage you to think about the women in your life. Be amazed by them. Allow them to be amazed by you. Encourage and empower them. Strengthen each other. Love each other. Celebrate each other! Cherish and fiercely protect your female relationships, for in the midst of all that our culture demands of us women, it is in those relationships that you have the potential to find a special kind of healing, compassion, and acceptance."

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Warm Hands, Warm Hearts

"A cup of coffee shared with a friend is happiness tasted and time well spent." 

A hot drink cupped lovingly between your hands. Soaking in its warmth and willing it to reach all the way down to your toes. A small round table separating you from a beautiful brunette friend. 

You glance around the small coffee shop, drinking in the rich aroma of coffee in the air. The sounds of the espresso machine humming, coffee beans grinding, and lilting conversations rise and swirl around, creating the background music for your afternoon.

The two of you indulge in a blueberry muffin with sugar sprinkles glittering on top and slowly sip as you catch up on the details of life that have accrued since the last updates were swapped. You lean back into your chair and bring yours knees up to get comfortable and settle in, knowing that you'll enjoy as many minutes together as you can.

She shares her worries about the future and about how she is bravely taking steps to really be present where she finds herself now. You share your dreams of creative ventures you'd like to pursue and the accompanying doubts and fears. Both of you talk of your families and laugh yourselves into stitches reminiscing about memories of the past. 

All of these things are shared because there is an unspoken understanding and heart connection between two old and dear friends. The space of this special friendship is safe and sacred. Grace and love abound, as well as honesty and encouragement. The hours float past and when it's time to part ways there are hugs and promises for a next time.

You walk away smiling because what is better than sharing life with your soul sister in the world of warm drinks and warm hearts?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Where Is Home?

We all know the saying, "home is where the heart is." But what happens if you feel your heart is in numerous places? How do you know where your home is? How do you make a new home?

Having moved to New Zealand about 4 1/2 months ago, the idea of this place being my home is still an elusive thing for me. While maybe it is physically and geographically; I don't feel like it's home.

If I were to define my home according to where my heart is, then I would have multiple homes. I feel that my heart is here in New Zealand with my wonderful husband and new in-laws; it is also in Minnesota where I grew up and my parents, two sisters, and beautiful niece live; parts of my heart are in Oregon and Arizona, where two of my oldest and dearest friends live; and still yet another piece of my heart is on the East Coast of the States where I went to college, made amazing friends and lived some of my post-college years building close relationships with two families.

There are people and places in my life that are very special to me and have helped shape and mold me into the woman I am today. And no matter where in the world I am physically, I will always have a piece of my heart--no matter how small or large--that is with them. While it can be a bit difficult at times to feel stretched so thin and far and wide across countries and between continents, what a beautiful problem. It means I have loved and been loved immensely and that I have had the opportunity to travel and experience the wonderful world that God has created. I am blessed.

And still...

Being here in this beautiful country, with a husband I love more with each passing day, with a lovely new family, a few new friends and acquaintances, and a place to call "my own," I don't feel that this is home. How do I get to that point? How do I arrive at that destination? I do not yet know.

Perhaps it will never happen, because so much of me is rooted in my American motherland. Perhaps it will simply take more time because things are still new. Maybe it is because I don't feel like I quite fit in here. Or it could be a result of the open-mindedness that Heath and I have concerning where we might live in a few years time. Perhaps it's because I have no job and have been on 'vacation' for 6 months, lacking routine and a feeling of purpose to ground me here. It could be a combination of any of these. I don't have the answers.

Whatever the reason, I want to p the thought that my heart is large enough to have so many pieces in so many places. Maybe I don't feel totally at home right where I am at this exact moment in time, but that's okay. Because if home really is where the heart is, maybe I have many homes, and I am a wealthy girl. Wealthy in love and glorious relationships with amazing people. And maybe I can try to feel at home inside the love of the people in my life instead.