Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Finding Your Sweet Spot

I work best in a space that's warm, sunny, and cozy. Usually I like to have a large square workspace on which to spread out all of my things. And I like to have on my mood music--meaning whatever music I'm in the mood for! (A caffeinated beverage and on-hand snacks are bonuses).

Beyond the general description I've just given, it's difficult to explain exactly which spaces will be ones that inspire me and enable me to crank out works of creativity and send me into my happy place, but I know it when I see it.  I've always been this way... always searching for the perfect spot, place, nook, space, or area: my sweet spot. When I find these areas, like I said: true bliss. But when I'm in a space where I'm not comfortable, or it's not warm enough, or sunny enough, or just doesn't have that undefinable X-factor that I'm searching for, I'm pretty useless. I lack inspiration and creativity, I'm thoroughly unsettled, distracted, and very aware of wanting to be in a "better space" that I'm more connected to.

I want to suggest that to really tap into your creativity, you shouldn't underestimate the mood, character, quality, tone, or atmosphere of the space that you're setting up your work in. Ambiance is always there, and it can be felt--especially deep down in the creative bones in your body. In the right space, you can gather inspiration from that which surrounds you. Or maybe the environment you're in simply serves to lift your mood, but that will likely increase creativity and productivity. The ambiance that defines your sweet spot should not be overlooked!

Evaluate your workspace and identify the aspects of ambiance that most affect you and how you work. Whether it's music, lighting, seating, or the colors around you-- identify how to improve it and make those changes. Get in touch with what inspires you and create a sweet spot for yourself with self-tailored ambiance!

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